Benefits of uPVC Windows

uPVC windows are making a comeback, and there are a number of very good reasons why. Long stigmatised as looking cheap compared to timber frames, and other myths surrounding the reliability of the frames have, in the past, pushed uPVC windows aside. However, homeowners up and down the country are returning to uPVC as a stylish, effective and attractive home improvement.

Here are some of the key reasons homeowners are choosing uPVC windows.

A great look for longer

Nowadays there is a lot more choice when it comes to the style and finish of your uPVC windows. If, for instance, you like the classic look of timber frames but prefer the durability and weather resistance of uPVC, you can choose from a natural wood-effect finish for your frames. uPVC offers homeowners flexibility, giving you control over the final look of your home.

uPVC windows are much easier to maintain than timber frames. Where moisture and dampness can cause timber frames to bow, uPVC frames are weather-proof and resistant to the effects of prolonged exposure to the elements. Just make sure you clean them regularly and they will look fabulous for years.

Greater energy efficiency

As well as looking stunning, modern uPVC frames now offer even greater energy efficiency. New technology and advancements in manufacturing have led to unrivalled insulation and reduced heat loss. Not only does this mean you can enjoy a warmer home in the winter months, but greater energy efficiency means reduced heating bills and lower carbon emissions.

Greater security

uPVC offers your home greater intruder security. The frames are more robust and offer a range of different locking mechanisms. This could also have a knock-on effect on your insurance premiums, leading to further reduced expenses.

There are so many reasons to choose uPVC but ultimately, the choice has to be yours. At Progress Windows we have a wide range of styles and finishes to suit every home and budget. Get a free online window quote and find out how we can help you achieve the dream look for your home.

How long do windows last: when should you replace your uPVC windows?

Usually, double glazed windows can last between 18-20 years. This means during the lifetime of the window the energy savings that will be generated will pay for the initial cost of installation, however, the lifetime can be cut short if the window has been improperly installed or is displaying any one of the below signs.

Signs that a window needs replacing

Damaged or warped

If your windows are damaged or warped. Then it would be a good time to replace your windows especially if the window has lost the weather seal.

A sign that the weather seal has been damaged is that the double glazed windows condensation within the two glass panes. This may be a problem with the weather seal or, more severely, the frame.


Another sign that the window is broken or is damaged which may not be obvious is that may be rotting. Rotting usually happens with wooden frames that are old and have been poorly maintained. This exposes them to the elements and leads to the wooden decomposing. A rotting window frame is one that should not be ignored and fixed immediately.

Cold air

Another sign that your window is damaged or warped is that it lets in cold drafts. This is bad for energy efficiency and this indicates that there may be a problem with the window frame. Specifically, the insulation surrounding the frame. Replacing your window would fix this and get rid of the cold drafts that would be entering your home.


Windows can provide acoustic insulation that is beneficial for enjoying a relaxing evening or sleeping peacefully, however, that relaxing evening or the peaceful can be disturbed if the acoustic insulation is failing. The acoustic insulation provided by windows and deteriorate over time as weather can damage the seal and frame. This is especially true for windows that are wooden or have single panes.

On average, double glazed windows can reduce the noise by 25dB which is a roughly 58% drop in noise. Triple glazing pushes this a 90% reduction.

Get the best online window quote!

Getting an accurate estimate of the costs involved in replacing your windows should be something that you do after you have checked whether your windows display any of the above signs.

To get an instant online quote use our online window quote tool.